Make This Year Your Best Yet….By Acquiring Specialized Knowledge

The Best Way To Solve Problems Is To Acquire Specialized Knowledge

This year your most important task is to gain more knowledge. With additional knowledge we can solve any challenge we face. Often people think they have to go to college to gain more education. This is one option available. However, self education that is directed in an area where you would like to gain expertise can often be more effective.

Jim Rohn says it this way, “Formal Education will make you a living; self education will make you a fortune. Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process begins.”

In his book “How Rich People Think”, Steve Siebold  makes the point that many self-made millionaires are people who have acquired specific knowledge enabling them to excel. Many rich people have little formal education.

In my research on millionaires I have learned that some of these rich people are college drop-outs, a few are even high-school drop outs. However, they are not un-educated. Each one speaks about how they acquired a love for learning and personal development which drove them to become excellent in their chosen fields. Many of them have gone on to share their knowledge with others through public speaking.

How do we get more self education? Read! 68% of Americans now own a library card. This is a dramatic increase over past years. Some of the factors driving this increase are the digital media (e-books), and computers available for public use. Imagine having knowledge in abundance for free. It’s never been easier to learn in your area of focus. Many sources of information are so easy to access now with search engines on the internet easily refining searches for specific information. New technology like e-readers, and self-publishing are on the rise and we have access to more information than ever. Take advantage of this influx of great ways to read books, new sources for books through self publishing, and ever increasing articles with current information on the internet.

According to a study conducted by Pew Internet and American Life Project called “the Rise of e-Reading”, with the invention of e-book readers, some of the population has increased the number of books they read each year. Readers of print books have declined since 1978. By contrast, one fifth of the population has read an e-book in the last year.  The average print book reader reads 15 books per year, while readers of e-books read more. The average number of e-books read is 24 per year. Also e-book readers tend to buy more books both printed and e-books as opposed to borrowing them.

My book: Turning Trials Into Triumphs The Way Of The Phoenix- a Guide To Personal Empowerment Through Coping Skills And Life Strategies  is available both in printed and e-book format through or directly from me at this website. When you order your book directly from me, you will receive a Complimentary Special Bonus of “Timeless Truths”: Principles to Enlighten and Empower You. (Suitable for framing.)

Make 2013 your best year ever, by increasing your knowledge.


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